
Welcome to NaplesCoffee!

I would like to start by saying thank you for joining NaplesCoffee! Working in our coffee shop is an amazing opportunity to connect with people throughout the church, not to mention being a very fun place to get involved!

About NaplesCoffee:

When you are working with us in the coffee shop you are a vital and important part of what we do here at the church. There are many people coming through the doors of our church that are looking for a connection, both to the church and to the people here. You are that connection!

A coffee shop is neutral ground for people, something familiar, and therefore is the perfect place for them to make a connection to the church through you. Our coffee shop is not just a place for people to get a caffeine fix or a place to kill time, it’s a place where connections are made and where people find a place to belong.

As you come aboard our team we only ask for one thing: Remember that you are not only helping to connect people to the church and each other, but you are helping to show people that there is a very real loving God who is waiting to meet them.

The Future of NaplesCoffee:

As we continue to improve and add to the coffee shop, it is our goal to start supporting missions trips and missionaries around the world with our proceeds. We have already started to make this dream a reality and are helping to monthly support the Alexanders in Peru! Our goal is to fully support 5 missionaries a year within the next few years. By serving with us in the coffee shop you are truly helping to reach the world.

NaplesCoffee Training Site

The purpose of this site is to be a continual place of learning for the team. We want you to be able to pull this up on your phone or computer at anytime to refresh your memory on how to make drinks, how to operate the equipment, and how to work in each position. Save this site and let it work in your favor!


New to the Team?

If you are new to the team and are wondering where to start, follow the links below to learn everything you need to know about serving in NaplesCoffee:

  1. Click here to view the Operating Manual
  2. Click here to learn our Opening & Closing Procedures
  3. Click here to learn how to operate in the Register position
  4. Click here to learn how to about Creating Drinks/Float/Barista
  5. Click here to learn to operate The Espresso Machine